SETAC AU Thesis Prize

Category: Awards and Prizes

  11 Apr 2021

SETAC AU Thesis Prize

This is an Australasian Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry award that recognizes the best Honours, Postgraduate Diploma, Master by Coursework or equivalent thesis submitted in the 12 months prior to the nomination deadline. The research component of the degree must not exceed 12 months full time equivalent (FTE). One prize will be awarded each for a thesis in the field of chemistry and ecotoxicology.

Nominations should be emailed to the SETAC AU Secretary at by Friday the 7th June 2024. 


Candidates may self-nominate, or can be nominated by their research supervisor(s). Nominations should include a one-page cover letter with a brief statement (<300 words) that includes an overview of the work included in the thesis and a statement about the originality and significance of the research.

The cover letter should also include the following:

  • The final grade received for the thesis;
  • Details of current SETAC student membership;
  • University enrolment status;
  • Supervisor contact details.

Applicants should also submit the following:

  • A one page CV of the student;
  • A PDF copy of the thesis; and 
  • A letter of support from the candidate’s supervisor.


Each Thesis Prize will be to the value of $500 and include a SETAC AU Student Travel Award to the next SETAC AU conference, following selection with a guaranteed oral presentation slot.


To be eligible for the 2024 Thesis Prize applicants need to fulfil all of the following criteria:

  • Be a current Full SETAC Australasia member (i.e., "Free" or "Explorer" SETAC members are ineligible) or have applied to be a Full member prior to the application deadline;
  • Have submitted a thesis based on research conducted as part of an Honours, Postgraduate Diploma, Master by Coursework or equivalent degree in the 2023 calendar year at an Australasian University (Australia, New Zealand or PNG);
  • Have achieved a grade of H1 or H2A (or equivalent) for the thesis;
  • Have a thesis topic in the environmental chemistry or ecotoxicology field; and
  • Submit a CV, a letter of support from their supervisor and an electronic version of their thesis (all in pdf format - other formats such as Word files will not be accepted).

Assessment criteria

Theses will be judged the SETAC AU council, with a minimum quorum of two members who may seek referees' reports based on:

  1. Originality of the study/research (5 marks)
  2. Quality of science: design, approach, analysis, statistical analysis, and interpretation (10 marks)
  3. Impact or utility of the study/research (5 marks)
  4. Clarity of organisation and writing style within the thesis (5 marks)

Awards and Prizes

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SETAC AU and ACEDD Peter Teasdale Memorial Award

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SETAC AU Student Travel Scholarships

Student Travel Scholarships for the SETAC-AP 2024 conference are now open!

SETAC AU Thesis Prize

SETAC AU awards the Thesis Prize for the best honours, masters, or postgraduate diploma thesis submitted in the past 12 months.

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