On 11 October 2023, SETAC-AU facilitated a workshop to form a collective response to the review of the Water Quality Guidelines Improvement Plan (WQGIP), for the ANZG (2018) Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality. The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) commissioned an independent reviewer, Greg Clayton, to investigate what was working, and what improvement might be made to the Guidelines, and in the second phase (to be conducted in Q1 2023) he will devise a 5-years strategic plan for the DCCEEW Water Quality Team.
The workshop facilitated a stimulating discussion, from which 8 key recommendations were submitted. In general, these recommendations covered issues concerning the resourcing and delays in publishing toxicant guidelines, and areas where the members saw the need for improvements and updates. Our feedback was appreciated and incorporated in Mr Claytons report to the Department, which will soon be available. Our report can be downloaded below. We will look forward to further engagement in 2024 when the 5-year plan is being constructed.